Membership Application & Renewal

KABA’s membership year begins in February (after the annual banquet). Annual membership dues help fund KABA programs and scholarships. Membership in KABA includes free affiliate membership in NAPABA.

New Members:

  1. Fill in application form and email to

  2. Pay membership dues.

Renewing Membership:

  1. Pay dues.

  2. Email to confirm.

How to pay membership dues:

Venmo: @KABA-Washington.

Credit Card: via Square, by clicking on the following links.

Check: Please make checks payable to the Korean American Bar Association of Washington and send via mail with membership form to:

Jennifer Sohn
Sohn Law PLLC
3006 Northup Way, Suite 100
Bellevue, WA 98004

KABA Membership Dues

Private attorneys: $50
Public sector attorneys*: $35

Law students: FREE
Hardship exemption**: FREE

*Attorneys who work for the public sector and those who work for non-profit groups that qualify as 501(C)(3) organizations.
**KABA is offering an exemption for attorneys seeking employment.

If you have any questions, please contact or